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Now it’s too late

Now it’s too late

As Rohingya villages in Myanmar’s Rakhine State were set alight last month, the military and civilians lined up to shoot, hack and beat defenceless villagers to death as they tried to escape. In the last few weeks, a mass exodus of more than a quarter of a million...
What if the centre holds?

What if the centre holds?

The journalistic cliche du jour – ‘Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold’ – from WB Yeats’ poem ‘The Second Coming’ was quoted more often in the first seven months of 2016 than any other year in the past three decades....
Dasher’s lessons for Labor

Dasher’s lessons for Labor

Never has a prediction come to fruition so quickly: Sam Dastayari’s Analysis of the UK election result comes with a warning that the Australian Left – by which he seems to mean the Labor Party – won’t learn the right lessons because they’re ‘lazy’ and will only take...
We are all neoliberals now

We are all neoliberals now

Marooned on a traffic island in central London, Robert Maitland, the protagonist of JG Ballard’s Concrete Island, comes to inhabit a world that he always, on some level, knew existed, but that he never really knew. He drove passed it everyday on his way from his home...
Warrant for Genocide

Warrant for Genocide

Today, 7 April, services will be held throughout Rwanda to commemorate the some one million lives lost during the 1994 Genocide. They’ll be followed by a designated national week of mourning, during which time communities will come together to take part in events to...