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Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s Long Road to Democracy

Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s Long Road to Democracy

“A share in two revolutions”, Thomas Paine wrote to George Washington in 1789, “is living to some purpose!” That same sentiment may well be applied to the Burmese leader Aung San, who didn’t just share in two colonial struggles, but led Burma’s battles for...
If only gender-based violence really was unAustralian

If only gender-based violence really was unAustralian

At the first major policy announcement of his tenure, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s rhetoric echoed that of John Howard: violence against women, he said, needs to be seen as ‘unAustralian’. But Australianess is a fluid concept that means...
Why calls for compassion for refugees don’t work

Why calls for compassion for refugees don’t work

It’s easy to disparage those calling for a more humane approach to the refugee crisis. There’s The Spectator‘s line about moral grandstanding and, locally, Chris Kenny’s call for sobriety in The Australian: ‘Emotion, moral vanity,...
Latham’s lament

Latham’s lament

‘Fuck, cunt, poo, bum.’ Mark Latham, Melbourne Writers Festival, 22 August 2015 I’ve long harboured what’s now an unfashionable affection for the politician, diarist and columnist formally known as The Real Mark Latham. His frustration with the way identity politics...