Social media is essentially a marketing platform people use to promote themselves-and their egos. One alarming trend involves people from first world countries taking selfies with poor children in places like Africa and South America, we live in a world today where...
It’s somewhat sobering to read Jake Bilardi’s final blog post—less manifesto, in parts, more expository essay—and find oneself agreeing with many of his views and opinions on the state of the world. He was revolted with the Israel–Palestine conflict, which he—echoing...
Hezbollah is an organisation divided as it fights two “existential threats”. Is this all just rhetoric? Freelance journalist Tim Robertson reports. There’s an old joke by the humourist Stephen Potter about how one should deal with those who claim to...
A bank? Why would I want to see a bank? I came here to see the birthplace of Christ! No, a Banksy. Do you want to go and see a Bansky? What in God’s name is a Banksy? – Bethlehem, May 2015. So it was that two American pilgrims — retirees, sotherners judging by...
Jordan shares land borders with Syria and Iraq and is struggling to deal with the war. But things might get even worse if the Islamic State decides to try to expand its caliphate, writes freelance journalist Tim Robertson. Sitting under the shade of a Bedouin camp in...