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The problem with Stephen Fry’s atheism

The problem with Stephen Fry’s atheism

By now, if you own a computer and have a reliable Internet connection (no mean feat in this wide brown land of the NBN) you’ve likely seen Stephen Fry’s fuck-you to god. If you’re one of those liberal atheists who favours pithy internet videos over books, is...
Ebola through the looking glass

Ebola through the looking glass

Wandering the almost deserted streets of London in 1665, the year the Great Plague swept through the city, H.F., the narrator in Daniel Defoe’s novel A Journal of the Plague Year, remarked that: …the poor People were to be pity’d in one particular...
The gratuitous cruelty of Scott Morrison

The gratuitous cruelty of Scott Morrison

It’s reflective of just how punitive Australia’s refugee policy has become that the government still has the ability to horrify thinking Australians this long after Kevin Rudd announced his PNG Solution. At the time it seemed the lowest ebb in what has been a very...