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China, the United States and the Politics of Human Rights

China, the United States and the Politics of Human Rights

It’s become a matter of routine that every year the United States and China – from their respective positions of moral superiority – take part in a diplomatic tit-for-tat in which they each document the other’s human rights violations. In America, this...
Aung San Suu Kyi: Colluding With Tyranny

Aung San Suu Kyi: Colluding With Tyranny

Reflecting on the life of Mahatma Gandhi, George Orwell wrote that: Saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent, but the tests that have to be applied to them are not, of course, the same in all cases. Aung San Suu Kyi, writing after being...
Free market fundamentalism and the rise of ISIL

Free market fundamentalism and the rise of ISIL

The neoliberal agenda of the countries that led the invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003 has directly contributed to the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL), writes Tim Robertson. THE AMERICAN-LED WARS in Iraq and Afghanistan are testament to the...
Islamophobia: a global threat

Islamophobia: a global threat

Sam Harris and Bill Maher’s most recent tirade against Muslims and their faith is indicative of the global threat posed by Islamophobia. The widespread bigotry is being harnessed and used as justification to persecute Muslims around the world, writes Tim Robertson....
Fear, loathing, and the erosion of civil liberties

Fear, loathing, and the erosion of civil liberties

The hysteria currently being concocted by Australia’s political leaders may be a smokescreen for the more serious threat facing us – an attack of the very freedoms and values our country has been built on. The Abbott government’s recent fear-mongering, antagonistic...