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The Dalai Lama and the Politics of Reincarnation

The Dalai Lama and the Politics of Reincarnation

The Dalai Lama suggests he’ll be the last of his line, and in doing so challenges Chinese imperialism. If one stands at the foot of the Potala Palace – once the residence of the Dalai Lama in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa – and looks south, the beauty of the surrounding...
When times are tough, the UN goes missing

When times are tough, the UN goes missing

As Australia follows the United States into another war in Iraq, independent journalist Tim Robertson asks, where is the United Nations while all this is going on? Having received a special request from the Americans, Tony Abbott was finally able to make the...
Does China have a terrorism problem?

Does China have a terrorism problem?

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is doubling down on their year-long assault on ‘violent terrorist activities’, but what does this really mean? Independent journalist Tim Robertson reports from Urumqi, the capital of the western Chinese province of Xinjiang. Any...
Sentimental Education: How Literature Can Inform Human Rights

Sentimental Education: How Literature Can Inform Human Rights

The American philosopher Richard Rorty believed that the best way to combat human rights violations was to engage people emotionally, rather that rationally. He believed that a global culture of human rights, which in essence is a universally shared sense of humanity,...