Israel’s ‘Other’ War: The Oppression of African Asylum Seekers
Israel’s Netanyahu government isn’t just focussed on the oppression of Palestinians. Tim Robertson reports on the ongoing treatment of African refugees.
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Latham’s lament
I’ve long harboured what’s now an unfashionable affection for the politician, diarist and columnist formally known as The Real Mark Latham. His frustration with the way identity politics has subsumed what passes for political discourse in Australia and his rancour that class is a subject almost entirely absent from mainstream commentary are important issues that are largely ignored by the mainstream media. The irony is that he tries to make this point by attacking individuals – that’s to say, engaging in the very identity politics he says he distains. Similarly, he’s long been an advocate for the kind of neoliberalism that has ensured class has become a dirty word while, at the same time, exacerbating the gulf between the richest and poorest members of society.
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The Anzac Myth: Holocaust Denial and the Birth of the Australian Nation
This year, as thousands of Australians, led by Prime Minister Tony Abbott, prepared to commemorate the Anzac Day centenary at Gallipoli, a smaller group of Turkish and Armenian men and women were holding their own centenary gathering in Istanbul to commemorate the worst crime of the First World War. They defied the Turkish government and risked being jailed to remember and demand recognition for the Armenian Holocaust.
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Why we aren’t more shocked by Nauru revelations
Last month, revelations made in a Senate inquiry by Transfield Services, the company contracted to run the Nauru detention centre, illustrated how the Australian government’s callousness and immorality on the issue of asylum seekers is beginning to infect the national consciousness.
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The Chinese capitalist romance
In his new year’s speech, President Xi Jinping told the Chinese people that their nation was in the process of implementing something unprecedented. There would be challenges, he warned, but if China remained united the ultimate goal of creating ‘socialism with Chinese characteristics’ could be achieved.
It’s easy to dismiss this kind of rhetoric. After all, China’s economic reforms seem to be moving away from socialism towards capitalism at a rate never before seen. However, it’s important to understand what the country’s leaders mean when they talk about ‘socialism with Chinese characteristics’. Moreover, it helps understand the Communist Party’s response to the recent stock market crash.
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Conspiracy theories in the Age of Snowden and Wikileaks
Last week the pro-Russian hactivist group, CyberBerkut, released footage that they claimed to have lifted from the laptop of one of US Senator John McCain’s staffers. The video purported to show a staged Islamic State execution.
The scene had clearly been modeled on James Foley’s execution, with a black-clad ‘jihadi’ holding a knife to the throat of a kneeling ‘prisoner’ dressed in an orange jumpsuit. The footage is shot from above the set, so one can see the light and sound people applying their trade in front of a green screen.
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