Dawkins delusion: the legacy of New Atheism
Richard Dawkins and the New Atheists preach fideism dressed up as rationalism.
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Reds Under The Bed: A Review Of Peter Hartcher’s Quarterly Essay
‘Red Flag’ repeats many of the West’s favourite clichés about China and refuses to hold a mirror up to Australian policy-making. It fails to understand China’s rise and misrepresents the nature of power and empire.
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Hypocrisy and hysteria over Chinese influence
The recent shift in the discourse about Chinese-Australians and representations of them as Communist Party stooges is potentially more dangerous than previous orientalist caricatures.
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Climate protest is existential
Climate change denialism isn’t simply a political position anymore. To deny the science is to embrace nihilism; it is to be complicit in one’s own extinction.
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The Foremost Donation of All
Tibetan protest and cultural regeneration.
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Narendra Modi, Kashmir and the remaking of India
On the BJP’s announcement that it will revoke Article 370 of India’s constitution.
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